
About On-Hold Message Repeaters

Message Recorder

Audio message repeaters like these made by Nel-Tech LabsProdigital, and Premier Technologies – load audio into their digital memory in one of these methods; USB removable stick drives, cassette, CD, media smart cards, telephone line, or by direct internet download, and are available at discounted prices from On-Hold Infosystems.

New digital on hold units come with the manufacturer’s full warranty, and can be purchased separately or as part of our complete buy-out package, or, are included in one of our many monthly programs.

Because there are no audio standards for phone system sound quality – it’s our experience that a unit installed on one phone system will likely sound different (better or worse) when connected to another system, even of the same make. You should also know that VoIP phone systems with their own internal on hold software do not yield as good audio quality as legacy phone systems using an external digital on hold audio player.

Your best assurance for good sound quality is to rely on the extensive experience of the pros at On-Hold Infosystems to give you the best sound quality that your phone system can produce.

The trend now seems to be VOIP phone systems. Most all new VOIP systems now come with an internal app for player on hold audio programs. So, it’s highly likely that On-Hold Infosystems will only be providing you with audio ad programming, and not any electronic hardware.

About Music-on-Hold Adapters

 Music Adapters

Music-On-Adapters were developed in response to the needs of small business.  Before MOH adapters, you had to own a phone system with MOH (music-on-hold) capabilities. Not anymore. However, these adapters are finicky in their behavior, regardless of who makes it, and there are several manufacturers. But don’t fear the adapter…because over the years, they have become more and more predictable in their compatibility with consumer telephones, corded and cordless. If you do not have a dedicated phone system at your office, we will do our best to help you make the right choice.

About KSU-less Phones with Music-on-Hold Features

On-Hold Office Phones

Above is a  TMC 4500 4-line “KSU-less” phone which is no longer made. The phone came with intercom, paging, and voicemail. These phones have been replaced with VOIP technology.